Here I am going to post information on what to do if you are depressed...Or a self injurer..I will have links to self help resources online...If you do suspect you or someone you know is depressed, GET HELP! Talk to a family doctor...anyone who will listen and get you the help you need and deserve.


With many of these treatments, people can benifit from just one. Although sometimes a combonation or meds and therapy...r any other combo can be EXTREAMLY benificial....That should be considered...

Anti-Depressents Medication:

Antidepressants can help 60-80 % of those with moderate to severe depression. They are non addicting and wont cause a high. They may have side effects and that is why a person starting medication has to be monitered closely to make sure they are the right ones for them. Sometimes people have to try several different types of medication before they find the "right one."

It takes typically around 2-4 weeks to feel the benifit of the medication. Once they "kick in" life can return to "normal" for the individual.


There are a wide number of different types of effective therapeutic approaches used for the treatment of depression today. Both individual and group therapies are commonly used, depending upon the severity of the depressive episode and the local resources within an person's community.

Typically, one cannot talk themselves out of depression, but if the depressive episode was caused by something then it often helps to talk about it. Also, there may be some issues from ones past that a person has held inside and to talk things through can be very benificial.

Support Groups:

Often when people are depressed and suffering from it, they feel isolated and alone with thier feelings. They feel outcast for feeling the way they do and that no one understands. That is where support groups can be helpful. Talking things out with people that know what it feels like can be very healing. Even listening to others stories about their lives dealing with depression can help. Knowing the one is not alone often relieves tension and gives a person a sense of relief.

Self Help:

Self-help methods for the treatment of this disorder are often overlooked by the medical profession because very few professionals are involved in them. Depression-oriented support groups are especially effective, since they allow the individual an opportunity to socialize and be with others who suffer from similar feelings. Many support groups exist within communities throughout the world which are devoted to helping individuals with this disorder share their commons experiences and feelings.

There are many useful self-help books (such as "The Feeling Good Handbook") which are available on the market today to help an individual overcome depression on their own. Some of these may be effective for some people and no other type of treatment may be needed, especially for people who suffer from a mild case of this disorder. Some books emphasize a cognitive-behavioral approach, which is similar to those used within individual therapy and therefore may be of use to an individual before they even begin therapy.

Patients can be encouraged to try out new coping skills and explore their emotions with people they meet within support groups. They can be an important part of expanding the individual's skill set and develop new, healthier social relationships.

Online Help For Depression
Scroll down for online help for self injury.

The Samaritans

A non-religious charity that has been offering emotional support to the suicidal and despairing for over 40 years by phone, visit and letter. Callers are guaranteed absolute confidentiality and retain the right to make their own decisions including the decision to end their life. The service is available via E-mail, run from Cheltenham, England, and can be reached from anywhere with Internet access. Trained volunteers read and reply to mail once a day, every day of the year.

Suicide Awareness/Voices of Education

Includes a helpful Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) file, general information on suicide and some common statistics, symptoms of depression, a book list and much more in an easy-to-read format. Frequently updated.

Beyond "The Blues"

An informative Web site that provides all the basic information on diagnosis, cause, treatment, and other topics dealing with Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Codependency. Helpful links are included for each topic as well.

Depression Centrel

Another page of links to depression, mood, and related disorders resources online, this one authored by a long-standing Internet psychiatrist. It includes a lot of research and professional articles links not commonly included elsewhere.

Online Help For Self Injury

Self Help For Self Injury

This page has a lot of content to it. It helps a person understand why they do it, and how to stop. It also contains a personal story, links to newsgroups and other helpful places located on the net.

You are NOT alone

A very comprehensible guide to self injury. Contains FAQ, who does it, why, self help techniques, and more. One of the most informative sites on the internet about self injury...Even offline resources for help.

Self Abuse Finally Ends (S.A.F.E.)

This is a canadian site devoted to helping people stop self injury and self injurous behaviour. This site contains information about S/I, treatments, and it even offers a program. People can actually go stay at the S.A.F.E. house for awhile, and there they will recieve therapy and support. For more information, check out the page.